01 Introduction
Created by architects Innovation Imperative, the single module tetra shed garden office was the introduction to the multi award winning tessellating modular building system
02 Showcase, Press & Awards
tetra shed® won an award at the 100% Design show in London and visuals of the system were also exhibited at an Architecture Open Exhibition at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
The UKTI (now the UK Department of International Trade – DIT) team in Spain invited Innovation Imperative to present tetra shed® at a low carbon seminar and exhibition under the category ‘Urban Regeneration/Sustainable Architecture.”
Visuals of tetra shed® were also exhibited at Stockholm Design Week, Ecobuild in London.
A prototype was exhibited at Grand Designs Live in London where it won an award presented by Grand Designs Magazine.
tetra shed® won a prestigious British Design Award (sponsored by Elle Decoration).
tetra shed® has been featured in over 70 print magazines in over 25 countries and filmed for Gadget Man on Channel 4 on UK national TV.
03 Customisation
04 Prototypes
tetra shed® demo units were exhibited at Clerkenwell Design Week, London. Created just for CDW, three cork clad single unit option prototypes were on show at St James Church, Clerkenwell Close intended primarily to showcase the material and spatial qualities of these options.
A prototype was also exhibited at Grand Designs Live in London where it won an award presented by Grand Designs Magazine.

05 tetra hotel
Innovation Imperative has received a huge amount of interest from the hospitality & leisure sector; so much so that a boutique hotel brand has been created which has evolved from the single unit through several design iterations.